The Best Skincare Routine For Men

Why Is Skincare Important?

Skincare is important because it promotes good skin health. A good skincare routine will not only give you clear skin but also help prevent sun damage by protecting you from UV rays.

In the dynamic world of men’s skincare, it’s high time to shed old stereotypes that a good skincare routine is a ladies-only affair. Just like James Bond’s ability to save the world and look effortlessly dashing, men can prioritize skincare without compromising their rugged charm. 
Your face is your canvas, and skincare is the brush that paints your unique style. Caring for your skin empowers you to express yourself fully, whether you’re rocking a clean-shaven look, a bold beard, or a suave mustache. A well-maintained canvas enhances any style you choose.

Do skincare routines actually work?

Absolutely! Here’s a compelling article that serves as a powerful testament to what even simple habits, like applying sunscreen, can do for your skin. In the linked article, a 90-year-old applied sunscreen exclusively to her face, but not her neck, and the difference is striking. Her facial skin appears much healthier and elastic compared to her neck. Skincare is often perceived as a quick fix aimed at eliminating acne, but in reality, incorporating good habits into your daily routine is essential for lasting results. Remember, achieving glowing, healthy skin is a marathon, not a sprint.

Different skin types

Skin types differ dramatically from one person to another. Depending on your particular skin type, certain products might trigger acne or irritation. The foundation of a successful skincare routine lies in experimenting and pinpointing your unique skin type. Understanding your specific skin concerns is crucial for maintaining clear, healthy skin. By addressing your individual skin issues and integrating this knowledge into your daily skin care routine, you can enhance your overall skin health and achieve a radiant complexion.

  • Normal: 
    Congratulations! You’ve hit the genetic jackpot, meaning you probably rarely experience acne or pimples, no matter the environment or conditions. Whether it’s scorching heat or freezing cold, a healthy or indulgent diet, none of it fazes you because your skin remains resilient. 
  • Oily: 
    Oily skin is a complex interplay of various factors, unique to each individual. To navigate this, it’s crucial to try different products to figure out what suits you best.
    • Hormones: Puberty-induced hormonal changes can significantly impact oil production.
    • Weather and Climate: Sweating can lead to pore blockage while cold climates can dry the skin out
    • Skincare Products: Harsh cleansers strip away natural oils, prompting your body to produce even more, and heavy moisturizers may clog pores.
    • Overwashing: Less is sometimes more; excessive washing strips away natural oils.
    • Diet: While the link between diet and oily skin isn’t fully understood, some studies suggest certain fats and oils may contribute to increased oil production. Although it has been noted certain vitamins such as vitamin C helps promote healthy skin.
    • Stress: Stress affects hormone levels, particularly cortisol, potentially impacting oil production.
    • Cosmetics and Hair Products: Residue from hair products and sweat can seep into the skin, clogging pores.
  • Dry:
    Dry skin lacks natural moisture, leading to flakiness and dry patches, often accompanied by itching, irritation, and redness. For dry skin hydration and moisturizer is vital.
  • Combination: 
    Your skin’s behavior varies with the environment and climate. It might become oilier in humid conditions, while in cold weather, dryness may prevail. Understanding your skin’s dynamics is crucial for achieving clear skin.
  • Sensitive: 
    Managing sensitive skin aligns with strategies for combination skin. It involves identifying what doesn’t irritate your unique canvas. Products effective for others may not suit you. Consider opting for all-natural products or be mindful of diet changes and exfoliation frequency.

What is the best skincare routine for men?

The best skincare routine for men will be a 10-step routine. I know what you’re thinking.

Don’t worry, there are streamlined steps you can take to make your skincare routine more convenient by combining several actions into one for easier maintenance. For example, steps 1-3 can all be done while you’re taking a shower, making it easier and more efficient for long-term.

  1. Oil Based Cleanser
    • Oil-based cleansers are great at removing sebum and other impurities that water-based cleansers have trouble cleaning while also hydrating the skin. This is known as “Double Cleansing”. Do this while in the shower, remember to do this with a try face. If your face is wet prior the oil will have trouble penetrating your pores.
  2. Water Based Cleanser
    • Wash your face twice. Once in the morning and once at night. Whenever you choose to shower (morning or night) would be a good time to wash your face as well.
    • Exfoliate 1-2x a week, this helps remove any dead skin on your face. 
  3. Toner
    • Toners balance your skin’s pH balance. This will prep your skin to absorb other skincare products more effectively. It’s good to do this after you wash your face and pat it dry.
  4. Essence
    • Is a lightweight, water-based skincare product It is designed to hydrate and prepare the skin for the next steps in your skincare routine. Essences often contain active ingredients that target specific skincare concerns, such as brightening, anti-aging, or hydration.
  5. Serum
    • Is a concentrated treatment that typically contains a higher concentration of active ingredients than other skincare products. Serums are designed to address specific skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, or uneven skin tone.
  6. Eye Cream
    • Some creams and lotions can irritate the eyes so there are specially formulated eye creams that help with reducing dark circles, puffiness, and more.
  7. Emulsion (Optional)
    • Is a lightweight moisturizer that has a thinner consistency than traditional moisturizers. It contains a mixture of water and oil components, making it suitable for those who need hydration without a heavy or greasy feel.
  8. Moisturizer 
    • Daytime moisturizer with SPF
    • Night cream with NO SPF
  9. Sunblock
    • If you decide to use a lotion with no SPF, be sure to sunblock specifically for the face. Its highly recommended you use a daytime lotion that already has SPF so you can skip this step.
  10. Face Mask
    • There are many types of face masks. How long you keep a mask on your face and the benefits really depend on the type of mask. I would highly suggest using a mask 1-3x a week depending on the type of mask you are using.

A truly effective skincare routine begins with a deep understanding of your skin’s unique needs and preferences. The ideal skincare regimen is one that seamlessly integrates into your daily life, ensuring it’s easy to maintain without becoming a burden. Remember, the essence of great skincare lies in consistency and gradually refining your routine through small, manageable improvements until you discover the perfect fit for your lifestyle and skin.

What is a beginner skincare routine?

This routine is more for people who have well.. no routine! If you’re experiencing frequent breakouts or noticing more acne this is where you should start. Choose a face soap and I mean FACE SOAP don’t use body soap or those 2-in-1s. Use actual face soap, many times the ingredients for face soap are less harsh on the face and will strip away less natural oil.

  1. Wash
    Use the chosen facial cleanser and monitor how your skin changes as you use it for a few days or weeks. It may take some time to find the cleanser that works best for you but it’s all about trial and error!
  2. Moisturize
    Find a moisturizer that works best for you and your skin type. If your skin is more on the oily side I would suggest a lighter moisturizer for the night if your skin is more dry I would use a heavier one.
  3. SunscreenSunblock is vital to protect your skin from sun damage / uv rays.

Some people may be able to get away with using body lotion but body lotion tends to be thicker and more oils which may cause breakouts.