Undercover Love: Stealthy Strategies to Learn Your Partner’s Ring Size

Congratulations are in order as you embark on this journey of love and life known as marriage! You’re mentally set to pop the question, but alas, you’ve stumbled upon your first hurdle: you don’t know your partner’s ring size. Fear not! Many others have been in the same boat as you.

Navigating this challenge requires a blend of cunning and stealth. Fortunately, there’s an array of clever strategies to secretly uncover this crucial detail without spoiling the surprise. Let’s dive into some inventive methods to help you on your quest for the perfect fit, ensuring your proposal remains as magical and unexpected as intended.

Stealthy Ways to Ask for your partners Ring Size

Be Direct and Ask

Many couples opt to choose the engagement ring together, driven by the belief that this lifelong symbol of their love should be absolutely perfect. Ring shopping as a couple can turn into a memorable and enjoyable date, providing an opportunity for your partner to share their specific preferences and desires for the ring they’ll cherish forever.

Enlist In Help

Remember, this is a joyful occasion for everyone involved. Your partner’s friends and family would be delighted to assist. They might even know this information by heart or have a ring at home that could serve as a reference (just ensure it’s for the correct finger).

When seeking help, it’s crucial to be mindful of whom you ask, ensuring they won’t accidentally spoil the surprise due to their excitement.

  • Have their friends plan a mini outing together to ring shopping and get their fingers measured.
  • Depending on your relationship with your in laws they might be able to help.
  • Have a friend buy a ring for them and correct it as needed.

Buy another Ring as a Gift

You could present it as a “promise ring” as a way to discreetly gauge their ring size. If you guess the size incorrectly, it provides an opportunity to ask for the correct size or determine it more subtly without arousing suspicion. If you’re concerned this approach might still be too conspicuous, you could alternatively have a friend give the ring as a gift and go ring shopping together.

A friend and your partner can visit a jeweler to obtain their exact ring size. This process is not awkward in the slightest; jewelers are frequently asked to measure ring sizes and possess the appropriate tools to provide an accurate measurement.

Borrow a Ring

If they have an extensive ring collection and won’t notice a ring missing. You can bring it to a jeweler and they can give you the exact size you need to know. Just make sure it’s for the correct finger!

Less Accurate Stealthy Ways To Get A Ring Size

Trace A Ring

Using this method you can take a ring they already own and measure it with the paper mentioned in the video to get a good estimate of the ring size. Once you have the paper simply roll the ring in the paper until it overlaps to get a measurement.


There are stories of individuals wrapping a string around their partner’s finger to determine the ring size. Depending on the context of how you do it. This method can be an excellent way to obtain measurements discreetly without arousing suspicion.

Sleeping Beauty

If your partner sleeps like a rock (a beautiful rock), you can take their measurements while they sleep. However, it’s wise to have an excuse prepared. In the event, you’re caught holding a measuring tape or a piece of string in the middle of the night.

Resize the Ring

Many jewelers provide a complimentary initial resizing with the purchase of an engagement ring. Therefore, even if the fit isn’t perfect initially, you can always return to resize the ring after you’ve proposed. Don’t let the initial challenge of not knowing your partner’s ring size deter you!